Minister Victoria Knight
Victoria Knight was born (Victoria Harris) in Tuscaloosa, AL to Barbara Hutton and Levi Harris, Jr.. She accepted Christ and was baptized July 11th, 1993 at the tender age of 9 by Dr. Reverend Jerry L. Crutcher at Little Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Huntsville, AL. It was after this that Victoria began to dream dreams and developed a unique fascination with the supernatural. She realizes now, in retrospect, that the Lord set her apart at a young age. SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: She moved to Birmingham during her freshman year of high school, where she attended and graduated from Hoover High School. Throughout Victoria's adolescence, she noticed, even in her rebellion, that she just couldn't go as far as her peers. Something within, or "Someone", was restraining her and protecting her future. While in her early 20's, her pursuit of disobedience resulted in 2 car wrecks and a Damascus experience. Victoria surrendered to the call on her life and has been walking with the Lord ever since. She attributes her testimony to "Grace and Mercy following her all the days of her life", even when she wasn't pursuing God. CHURCH INVOLVEMENT @BRCC, ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Victoria has been a member of BRCC for almost 3 years, where she serves on the Communications/Media Ministry where she produces video announcements and social media content. She is the mother of two beautiful girls, Hadassah Jonaè Knight (7) and Zipporah Junia Knight (3). Victoria holds an Associate in Applied Science in Office Administration from Jefferson State Community College, a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Ministry from Southeastern Bible College, and is finishing her M.A. in Theology and Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Ultimately Victoria is just a lover of Jesus, the lover of her soul, which drives her passion for Biblical Literacy and Spiritual Formation. Victoria is PR Executive Assistant for B.F. Gibson and Associates, LLC., serves as the Membership Director for Christian Women in Media - Alabama, and on the She Leads Alabama Advisory Board under Dr. Brandy Gibson. HOBBIES "I enjoy working out, most outdoor activities, writing, playtime with my girls, binge-watching biblical documentaries and films, and random trips to Starbucks and Chicken Salad Chick for some unneeded calories." VISION FOR MY ROLE "As an ordained minister of the Gospel, I plan to continue to be conformed into the image of Christ, to go wherever the Lord sends me to do the work of an evangelist and use my influence to the Glory of God." "My favorite scripture is John 16:33..“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Soli Deo Gloria, Victoria Knight

Minister Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy is a native of Birmingham, Alabama. Mary was educated in the Birmingham Public School System. In 1969 graduated from Rosedale aka Homewood High School. Upon returning to Birmingham in October 1994, Mary has been employed with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (retired 2013 after 20 years of service). Mary has been in the secretarial/administration field for over 40 years. Although retired, Mary has continued working and is been employed with JBS Mental Health and Currently works for Wings Across Alabama being a support to others. Mary has been a member of Brewster Road Community Church since 2012. In 1970 attended Miles College from January 1970 to November 1973. Returned to Miles to pursue Business Management Degree from September 2008 to March 2010. Mary is an upcoming author of several books. Coming from a traumatic upbringing, Mary has overcome and shares her life story, “From Hell and Back”, “Fountains of Living Water” and other upcoming manuscripts to help reach the masses in sharing hope and the unconditional love of God. In 2004 Mary became the founder/visionary of Circle of Love Outreach Ministry. In July 2007 the organization became a Faith-based non-profit, recognized by the State of Alabama under the name of Circle of Love Outreach Services, Inc., with it’s main focus of serving the uninformed population with services of mentoring, empowerment, motivation and education. Currently serves as the Executive Director. Has served in numerous outreach capacities: Pearson Hall, Appointed as Ministry Leader for First Light Women’s Shelter (by her church as an extension of their outreach services which was a ministry of the former Cathedral of the Cross), Ministry Assistant with Eagles Claw a ministry for the homeless of Cathedral of the Cross; Mountain Top Nursing Care Facility; Has volunteered with services at the Firehouse Shelter preparing meals for the occupants; Served as a mentor at the Women’s Work Release, Served as a mentor at the First Light Women’s Shelter and others; A Former Foster Parent (to which she was once and wanted to give back). Certifications: Certification from Bethany Bible College in West Los Angeles, CA in Systematic; Ministry Certification from Cathedral of the Cross in September 2006; Also received certification for Evangelism Outreach and received a two-year ministry training diploma; Prison Ministry Mentorship Certificate. Studied Business Management at Miles College. Other certifications: Real Estate Pre-License Course; Association of Christian Schools International Secretaries Conference; UABPD Recognition Award “Just Say No”; Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Certification (Developing Leadership for Quality in Education); Therapeutic Programs, Inc – Certificate of Completion; Certificate of Completion for Mentor Basic Training; Certificate of Completion for Prison Fellowship Ministry Training; UAB-HRM Angel Wings Certificate for Office Professionals; UAB-HRM Advanced Career Training; UAB-HRM EXCEED Award; UAB Special Studies – The Internet: Resources, Services and Access Tools; National Seminars Continuing Education Certificate – Powerful Power Point Presentations; UAB Diversity Awareness Education; Families in Focus Institute – Womanhood, Motherhood and Beyond; Miles College “Meritorious Service to the United Negro College Fund” Certificate of Achievement. Additional certifications in the mental health field: Respect Initiative Speaker; In Our Own Voice Presenter with NAMI; Family-to-Family Presenter, etc. Personal: Have two adult children and three grandchildren; A Paternal/Maternal Brother (care-giver); Coraline Celeste (toy poodle) and Hymn (tabby cat)

Minister Dianne Kennedy
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Minister Evenda Barnes-Clark
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